For the first time, the annual general meeting of KSat has taken place online. All positions provisionally introduced in 2019 were filled and for the third time the Small Satellite Society elects a chairwoman.
After a semester without on-site classes, an annual general meeting without physical presence is no longer a huge adjustment – and a significant help when a large number of members have just given up or at least temporarily left their homes near the campus and are living at their old home addresses again. The meeting formally exonerated the previous chairpersons Franziska Hild and Robin Schweigert as well as financial chairman Adrian Causevic without any dissenting votes. The association continues to grow and was able to raise more donations in 2020 than ever before. The projects ROACH2 and BUBBLE2 are nearing completion, provided that the start is possible again in the near future. The small satellite SOURCE was accepted into the “Fly Your Satellite!” programme of the ESA Education Office in 2020, bringing it a big step closer to reaching space. Starting in the winter semester, the “School for Talents” at the University of Stuttgart will also be supporting SOURCE over a period of two years.
The association’s submission to NASA’s “Honey I shrunk the NASA Payload!” competition “MICU”, Mineral Investigation Camera using Ultra-violet, won second place in the category “Lunar Resource Evaluation”, and was awarded 15,000 USD for its further development.
Last year, it was also possible to expand the exchange with space groups from German-speaking countries and continue it online during the summer semester, despite COVID-19 restrictions.
Finally, all posts were filled again. Taking the position of first chairperson is Natascha Bonidis, her deputy is Paul Nehlich. The new financial chairman Mario Spahr completes the new board. The offices for public relations, data protection, club exchange, IT and room administration were also newly occupied. With this ,KSat is looking forward to another successful year.