MIRKA2-ICV (Mikrorückkehrkapsel 2 - In-flight Communication Verification) is a successor to MIRKA2-RX and is intended to accomplish the transmission of messages from a free-falling capsule to a ground station via satellite link. This is one aspect of the original MIRKA2-RX experiment that did not work in the first iteration. Additionally, several further refined systems are developed and tested. Based on the MIRKA2 capsule, ICV is a small capsule 10 cm in diameter and less than 10 cm in height.

A first flight of MIRKA2-ICV in South Africa in July 2017 sadly returned poor results. Only three messages were transmitted, none of which were sent after separation from the capsule's carrier vehicle. Further versions of the capsule and the experiment are planned for the future, as a working and tested capsule is a prerequesite for the long-term target CAPE, a cubesat.